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linux :: mysql master-slave sau master-master
![]() CAMSCAPE SERVICES Cristian M. |
Title | MySQL Master-Slave sau Master-Master |
Tags | MySql,master-slave,master-master,multi master | |
Desc. | MySQL Master-Slave sau Master-Master | |
Code | KBLN0032 v1.0 | |
Date | 9 mai 2015 |
Avem doua servere:
si dorim sa avem un sistem de replicare a bazelor de date MySQL, folosind SRV1 ca master, SRV2 ca slave.
Pe SRV1 (MySQL MASTER), se modifica my.cnf :
# Numar unic in cadrul serverelor ce vor fi sincronizate server-id = 1 # IP-ul MASTER, lasati comentat pentru MASTER-SLAVE # decomentati pentru MASTER-MASTER #master-host = # User de replicare, lasati comentat pentru MASTER-SLAVE # decomentati pentru MASTER-MASTER #master-user = repuser # Parola de replicare, lasati comentat pentru MASTER-SLAVE # decomentati pentru MASTER-MASTER #master-password = PaRoLa log-bin = mysql-bin auto_increment_increment = 2 auto_increment_offset = 2 relay-log = /public/data/mysql/slave-relay.log relay-log-index = /public/data/mysql/slave-relay.index expire_logs_days = 10 max_binlog_size = 500M replicate-same-server-id = 0 sync_binlog = 1 log-slave-updates = 1 skip-slave-start = 0 # Lista bazelor de date care se sincronizeaza, cate una pe linie binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_1 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_2 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_3 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_4
Salvati si reporniti MySQL. Asigurati-va ca bind-address este comentata.
Pe SRV2 (MySQL SLAVE), se modifica my.cnf :
# Numar unic in cadrul serverelor ce vor fi sincronizate server-id = 2 # IP-ul MASTER master-host = # User de replicare master-user = repuser # Parola de replicare master-password = PaRoLa log-bin = mysql-bin auto_increment_increment = 2 auto_increment_offset = 2 relay-log = /public/data/mysql/slave-relay.log relay-log-index = /public/data/mysql/slave-relay.index expire_logs_days = 10 max_binlog_size = 500M replicate-same-server-id = 0 sync_binlog = 1 log-slave-updates = 1 skip-slave-start = 0 # Lista bazelor de date care se sincronizeaza, cate una pe linie binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_1 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_2 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_3 binlog_do_db = baza_de_date_4
Salvati si reporniti MySQL. Asigurati-va ca bind-address este comentata.
Acum, cream pe SRV1 si SRV2, pe rand, userul de replicare:
mysql -u root -p Password: ******* > CREATE USER `repuser`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY `PaRoLa`; > GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO `repuser`@`%`; > FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Suntem gata sa incepem replicarea. Pe SRV1:
mysql -u root -p Password: ******* > SHOW MASTER STATUS;
veti primi ceva asemanator:
+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | mysql-bin.000005 | 408 | ....... | | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Cu aceasta informatie, pe SRV2:
mysql -u root -p Password: ******* > SLAVE STOP; > CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST = ``, MASTER_USER = `repuser`, \ MASTER_PASSWORD = `PaRoLa`, MASTER_LOG_FILE = `mysql-bin.000005`, \ MASTER_LOG_POS = 408; SLAVE START;
Daca ati optat pentru un MASTER-MASTER (vezi configuratia din my.cnf de pe SRV1), desi NU RECOMAND, atunci, pe SRV1:
mysql -u root -p Password: ******* > SLAVE STOP; > CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST = ``, MASTER_USER = `repuser`, \ MASTER_PASSWORD = `PaRoLa`, MASTER_LOG_FILE = `mysql-bin.000005`, \ MASTER_LOG_POS = 408; SLAVE START;