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Openfire with Samba LDAP

1. Create Postgresql user and database   createuser -P openfireuser createdb -E UTF8 -O openfireuser openfiredb
2. Download Openfire in some directory and unzip   Or directly:   3. Start Openfire   [...] »detalii Openfire with Samba LDAP

PGP end to end encryption for email

PGP, also known as Pretty Good Privacy is a 27 years old encryption algorithm.   The system is simple. A user have 2 keys (like 2 passwords): a public key that is used to encrypt things and a [...] »detalii PGP end to end encryption for email

Butonul Start in Windows 8

Prin update-ul la Windows 8.1 s-a sperat că Microsoft va repune meniul Start, pe care-l scosese din Windows 8 spre dezamagirea multor clienti. Totuși, nu s-a intamplat asta.

Microsoft a reintrodus intr-un fel butonul Start in Windows [...] »detalii Butonul Start in Windows 8